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- FastBucks
- Copyright (c) Software Expressions 1986 All Rights Reserved
- FastBucks is a Home finance package designed to be a
- "Fast", and "User Friendly" menu driven program. It Re-
- quires a IBM compatible computer with at least 128k of ram
- and a Monochrome or CGA\EGA Color Graphics board, and Ms-
- Dos/Pc-Dos version 2.0 or later. The program may be operated
- with as little as one floppy drive although a minimum two
- drive system is strongly suggested. Full appreciation of
- "FastBucks" won't happen until you have been using it for a
- year or so. Then it's fast access to data files can really
- be appreciated.
- FastBucks saves all files in Binary format thereby hin-
- dering casual observation of personal data. It also com-
- presses the amount of disk space used for data storage. the
- sample data file for example.. contains check entries for
- six years of activity and only requires 80k of disk space.
- FastBucks Features:
- 1. FastBucks is completely menu driven.
- 2. FastBucks avoids the use of accounting language
- and "computerese". It is designed for the non CPA
- and computer hacker...
- 3. FastBucks automatically creates files and
- updates them. It is not necessary for the user to
- ever remember or assign a file name.
- 4. Fastbucks supports up to 25 each check-
- ing,savings, and charge accounts, and one cash
- sheet.
- 5. Complete transaction editing is available to
- the user. FastBucks automatically updates account
- balance if transaction amount is edited.
- 6. User may change initialization parameters for
- Crt Type, Printer,Drive,Data file path, and
- expense categories as desired. Also the FastBucks
- introduction may be switched off, allowing faster
- entry into the fastbucks program.
- 7. Fastbucks presently supports 32 printers and a
- user configuration, if printer is not presently
- supported.
- 8. FastBucks has a recursive budget model that
- allows user to create a budget for his or her
- family that is workable and relatively painless.
- (Note: If you don't have a printer this feature is
- relatively useless as the intent of the budget
- procedure is to print a budget with each selected
- budget category pigeon-holed for each pay check.)
- 9: FastBucks has a financial calculation section
- that allows user to calculate item
- depreciation,savings(What if's) and Loan informa-
- tion...
- 10. FastBucks also has a complete Loan amator-
- ization generator. The user may send the schedule
- to either his printer or crt screen... Note: The
- user must have a printer with at least 132 columns
- to use this feature.("Compressed print Mode")
- 11. FastBucks account listings can be sent to
- either the crt or printer.
- 12. FastBucks is solely user supported. The user
- is encouraged to copy, give to friends, or
- distribute in any way he desires, The FastBucks
- program files as long as the user does not request
- any payment for the FastBucks program files or
- copies thereof.
- If the user finds FastBucks of some value, a
- registration fee of $30.00 to Software Expressions
- would be appreciated. A serialized diskette and
- user manual will be sent to you.
- For an additional registration Fee of $15.00
- the user will receive "Free" Fastbucks program
- updates for a period of one year from the date of
- registration.
- All shipping and handling fees will be paid
- for by Software Expressions.
- A rebate of $5.00 will be sent to the
- registered user for each subsequent registration
- from his or her serialized distribution diskette
- for one year following date of registration.
- Getting Started:
- Floppy Systems:
- 1. Format two floppy diskettes and label them
- "FastBucks" and "FastBucks Data" respectively.
- 2. Install The FastBucks distribution diskette
- into drive A:, and Install the FastBucks diskette
- you have just formatted into drive B:.
- Type Copy a:fb.* b:
- 3. Remove the Diskette in drive b: and Install the
- FastBucks data diskette you have previously for-
- matted into drive B:.
- Type Copy a: *.ndx b:
- Copy a: *.dta b:
- Copy a: *.dat b:
- 4. Remove your distribution diskette and store it
- in a safe Place.
- 5. Install your Fastbucks Working diskette into
- drive a:
- Type Fb
- Fastbucks will now initialize itself for your
- printer and crt type. when Fastbucks prompts you
- for your data file path name simply Hit <return>.
- as the default drive for data files is drive B:.
- You will also at this time be able to change your
- expense categories from the default categories in-
- stalled in Fastbucks.
- FastBucks is Now installed and Running. Play
- around with the data files shipped with fastbucks
- and get a feel of how the program works. When you
- have a feel for how FastBucks works, you may
- initialize another Data diskette and start to use
- FastBucks for real.
- Hard Disk Systems:
- 1. Install the FastBucks Distribution diskette in
- drive a: and Type "a:Instalhd". FastBucks will au-
- tomatically be installed on your hard disk.
- A directory named FBUCKS and a sub-directory named
- DATA. will be created.
- FastBucks will automatically initialize itself for
- your printer and crt type. When you are prompted
- for the drive for data files answer with c:, and
- when prompted for data file path answer with
- "Fbucks\Data". You will also at this time be able
- to change your expense categories from the default
- expense categories shipped with Fastbucks.
- Some Basic FastBucks Operating Information :
- To Return to a higher level menu simply hit the "Esc"
- key.
- To exit FastBucks simply hit the "Esc" Key from the
- main menu.
- If You seem to be stuck in Graphics mode or other
- FastBuck functions, hit "Esc". The "Esc" key is
- generally the "GET ME OUT OF HERE" key for FastBucks
- Menus and functions.
- After you have gotten the feel of Fastbucks delete all
- the files in the Fbucks\data directory or data
- diskette. then select the accounts set-up from the
- accounts manager menu, and you're ready to go.
- Have Fun! and I hope you find Fastbucks a useful program.
- Dennis C. Lozen
- 12006 Manorgate
- Houston,Texas 77031